Zaključno dejanje mednarodne konference H.O.M.E.
(Houses for Open Mobility Exchange)
bo, z javno tribuno o neformalni umetniški mobilnosti, zgodilo v petek 28.1. ob 18.uri v Menzi pri Koritu (Metelkova mesto).
Na tribuni bodo sodelovali gostje iz Francije, Švedske, Portugalske in Belgije predstavljena pa bo tudi spletna platforma, ki bo omogočala nadaljevanje in rast projekta.
Po principu "couchsurfinga" bo platforma STREETOPIA.NET odprta za vse umetnike, ki delujejo v javnem prostoru in si želijo gostovati v tujini ali pa organizirati svoje dogodke s tujimi udeleženci v svojem lokalnem okolju.
Umetniki in ustvarjalci vseh dežel vabljeni!
P.S. Po končani tribuni vas vabimo na fotografsko razstavo Mitje Kobala: Made On Earth ... in Ljudov "konceptualni žur"!
The final act of the International conference H.O.M.E. (Houses for Open Mobility Exchange) with a public debate on informal artistic mobility, will take place on Friday 28th of January at 6.00 PM in Menza pri Koritu (Metelkova).
Guests from France, Sweden, Portugal and Belgium will participate in the event where we will also present the online platform Streetopia.netthat will allow for continuation and growth of the project.
Following the principles of "couchsurfing" the Streetopia platform is opened to all artists who work in public space and want to perform abroad or organize their own events with foreign participants in their local environment.
Artists and creators of all countries welcome!
P.S. After the public debate we invite you to exhibition of photography by Mitja Kobal: Made On Earth ... and to a »party-with-a-concept«starting at 9.00 PM.
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