Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Retrospective exhibiion of memories for closing of the house of artists at Soteska 8, Ljubljana, Slovenija

Retrospektivna zatvoritev hiše umetnikov v ljubljanski Soteski 8

V petek, 26. septembra 2014 ob 19. uri, vabimo vse ljubiteljice in ljubitelje kulture in umetnosti na razstavo spominov ob zaprtju galerije in hiše umetnikov v Soteski 8 v Ljubljani. Preden se spomini spremenijo v kup opek, se boste lahko še zadnjič srečali s številnimi umetniki, ki so v preteklih enajstih letih bivali, ustvarjali, razstavljali in se družili na tej poslednji svobodni umetniški lokaciji v slovenski prestolnici.

Soteska 8 je bila živalski vrt likovne umetnosti, dom likovnikov in še marsikoga sredi podrtije duha 21. stoletja, sredi tlakovanega in asfaltiranega smetišča, ki mu nekateri pravijo mesto, ki svojo kot brv prozorno urbanost osmišlja s torticami fasad, kafiči in med Bledom in Postojnsko jamo zablodelimi turisti.
Soteska 8 je mimo tega armiranega ljubljanskega pohoda zarjavelih betonskih plašnic ohranjala luč še kako žive sodobne umetnosti, izpričane na stotinah razstav, ki so polnile na videz majhno prizorišče in iz zaliva ozke soteske neustrašno razsvetljevale mesto in sevale tudi onstran vseh meja in omejitev.

Po zaprtju Soteske 8 bo Ljubljana še manj mesto, a obeta se, da bo čez čas na istem kraju vzniknilo novo pročelje, za katerega pa se bo lahko vrnil stari umetniški duh.

More info:


In memory  of the Gallery Tukad Munga

The gallery TukadMUNGA was opened in May 2009 with the exhibition Animal Kingdom by Vladimir Leben. TukadMUNGA was an art gallery that hosted exhibitions, peromances educational projects, literature gatherings, workshops and lectures by emerging artists  . It was founded and lead by Iskra Beličanska, Vladimir Leben and Joao Paulo Nasri and was active from 2009 to 2013 as the main project of Studio 8. The name of the gallery TukadMunga – a river that runs upstream – was in relation to the alternative policy of the gallery which was also informally known as Soteska

The gallery hosted number solo shows by Slovene and foreign artists, such as Beli sladoled, Matej Stupica, Bojan Mavsar, Mitja Kobal, Neven Korda, Oliver Marčeta, Boštjan Plesničar, Rada Kikelj, Srečko Srebot, Noemi Veberič Levovnik, Grega Mastnak, Matej Bizovičar, Bogdan Kristofer Meško, Eko Seri, Vania Rovisco, Camila Rocha, and João César Monteiro among others.

 Important part of the Tukad Munga artist run space activity were the Tukad munga members with friends  shows as visiting exhibitions at other galleriy spaces like: 2009 SI TI Teater, Ljubljana, 2010 Open air gallery in Porto, Portugal, 2011 Zagreb, Croatia, 2012 City hole, Ljubljana

TukadMunga also organised or co-organised various workshops, such as Light and Textile, Illustrations for Ibotity picture book and Batik workshop led by Katja Colja. Art courses TukadMungaIskra took place in or in front of the the gallery and were led by Iskra Beličanska and assistant Matjaž Stražar.

At February 2012  The Tukad Munga left the gallery at Soteska with the good bye exhibition Trio inside-outside 

The trio inside-outside

in front and in Tukad Munga

TukadMUNGA members
 Iskra Beličanska, Vladimir Leben, and Joao Paulo Nasri